Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Family Pictures

We took some family pictures before we left, so that everyone could see  exactly who was who.
This is the Parish family.(we're not sure how to spell their name) but they were a very sweet family, and definitely a blessing.

We all know who this is!!!
     (but for those who don't: Rich, Trey, Tammi, Gage, and Shey)
 (Disclaimer: These pictures were taken at midnight after a long day of hard play :) )

 You know how boys are... They never want their picture taken!

 All of us kids!
Always a silly one :)

Finally it was time to leave... It was so sad to see them standing there as we pulled out, and running along side us through the yard as we pulled out onto the road...


  1. Wow. I am glad you were able to stop there. I bet they LOVE to have company. They are so neat. Can't wait to see them again!

    1. Yes. They LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEE to have company! So, we have to plan another trip:D

  2. Thanks for the post! Looking forward to more!

  3. It is so cool that you got to stay with them!!! Enjoy camp!!

    1. Thank you!!! Yes! It was so much fun to be able to stay with Rich and Tammi!!!

  4. Looks like y'all are having a wonderful trip so far! I'm SO jealous that y'all went to Maine!! I want to go there so bad!!

  5. Parting is such sweet sorrow... I hate goodbyes.
