Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In The Beginning...

          "...the thunderous steps of two late-night newly-bloggers pound down the meeting hall drive way. Puffing, they stumble into the "blue room" to set up this "blog thing". First, they face the troublesome task of creating a name for their new-found daily chore... And so you have the crazy ramblings of two teens learning how to survive for three weeks with the two notorious little whipper-snappers: Justin and Andrew (who might otherwise be referred to as J.T. and McGrew)."

Ok, for real now... 

So our official start of this blog was about 11:50 pm. We decided to "run" down to the m-hall "real quick" to set it up before we left at 4:00 am. Well... now it is 1:25 and I am typing this first post. The point is, in less than 3 hours we will be on our way to Newfoundland!!! As soon as I started this we were surprised to find we had company here at the meeting hall! Wendy had run down to the motor home to grab the camera and on the way back she saw...

          "the mysterious glow of a truck's headlights turning into the driveway. Frightened, she wondered if she should dart behind the telephone pole or continue her stately march back to the safety of the "blue room"...
Cautiously, she tip-toed past each small tree that lined the playground. As the truck rolled closer, she realized that this was alas..."

...Kathy and Parker J. coming to deliver the wedding cake for Curt and Laura's rapidly approaching wedding. After "bunny-sneaking" a few snacks from the fridge, we are just finishing our first post...

 Stay tuned for Day 2!


  1. Sounds like you have had an exciting beginning. Looking forward to hearing more. Especially since we are part of day 2. Be nice to us. :) Since I am jealous and I can't go to Newfoundland, I can live vicariously through you two so have a bunch of fun for me!

    1. "Jane" you are cracking me up. Almost every one of your comments talks about being jealous-maybe you need counseling!! (Or maybe just a trip up north. The hot weather is getting to you...hahahahahaha)JK!! I want to go myself! Maybe next year...

  2. By the way, the comment verification is a pain in the neck. Just my opinion here but I don't think you really need it.

  3. One more thing. From one blogger to another, add a follow me button so we can keep up with you easier as the trip progresses. Once again, just trying to help ya out.

    PS. How exciting it will be for you to see you already have 3 comments. Too bad they're all from the same person. ME. I promise I won't do this on every post.

    1. Thank you very much for the help. We don't exactly know what we're doing, so any help is welcomed. Check back, and see if we fixed what you were talking about, and if there's anything else that could use adjusting...thanks:)

  4. sounds like a very exciting start to the trip!!! hope you're having a blast! can't wait for more!!! :)

  5. Sounds like you ate off to a great start!! Have fun on your trip!!!

  6. Sounds like you ate off to a great start!! Have fun on your trip!!!

  7. Sounds like you ate off to a great start!! Have fun on your trip!!!

  8. Sounds like you ate off to a great start!! Have fun on your trip!!!

  9. Sounds like you ate off to a great start!! Have fun on your trip!!!

  10. Sharing Shunshine: Did you intend that pun, or was that a typo (all five times ☺)? "You ATE off to a great start..."

    Wendy and Kylie - This will be a memorable trip, I can tell already. ☺ Thanks for sharing the ramblings with us.

    BTW, in the first pic with all the hoodlums, I can't quite figure out Justin. His left arm is in a rather peculiar position, which somehow almost makes his head look backwards.... ☺

    1. This trip has been awesome so far, and I'm sure it will only get better. I see what you mean about Justin! That does look kinda strange when you look at it that way!!

    2. Rachel!! You are killing me! I laughed SOOOOOOO hard at your comment! JT does look a little deformed... too funny! ha ha ha ha
