Saturday, August 25, 2012


Last night we stayed at Dave & Becca's. This morning we got up, got ready, waited until David got home from work, and then went to downtown to have lunch and shop, and just have fun walking around.

We went to a really delicious place called Rocket for lunch. It was kinda expensive, but David splurged for all of us, and it was SOO good.

We were looking for some more souvenirs, but we didn't find anything that we really wanted. Us girls stopped for another treat of Starbucks while David guarded the stroller :)

Later he and Sierra got ice cream cones.

We had to look at the local art:)

We came back to Boss & Mary's for dinner, and Scott & Tanya, as well as Heather and the girls joined us.

 There is an ice cream gathering tonight, so that we will be able to see everyone one last time before pulling out. I think we are scheduled to pull out at 9:00, because we have to catch the ferry tomorrow morning, but we are trying not to think about having to leave right now :(

We might not get to post for a few more days but we will try to....


  1. Awww..... Don't you wish you could be in two places at once? I will miss seeing pics of our friends in NFLD every day. It looked like a wonderful time. (maybe you can post some random pics of everyone next week just for fun!)

    Y'all Newfies come to TEXAS when you can! Ky and Wen, have a fun night at the ice cream social, and have a safe trip home....Looking forward to more pics and stories from the trip back to the states.

  2. Well.........We're missing you all already! Thanks so much for coming. It was a huge encouragement to us all and I enjoyed getting to know you better. Praying for a safe trip home,

    1. We were so encouraged being there with you all. We are so thankful for the opportunity we had to build so many relationships, and get to know you all better. We had a safe trip, and are all home now.

  3. We miss you all already! It will be fun when you can come back!! Enjoy the trip home!

  4. More fun times. Wendy, I love your coral colored scarf. Very cute!

  5. It was so special to have you all here! Great to get to know you both so much better. I miss you two SO much =( waaaa! Have a fun, safe, and slumbering trip home - I'll be thinking of you all each leg of the way!

    1. OH MY GOODNESS!! we miss all of you SOO much:( We are both so thankful though that we got the opportunity to come and visit with everyone there, and so grateful for the new friendships. We're all home and safe now:)
