Saturday, August 11, 2012

Saturday...At the Wilson's!!!!!

This morning, after sleeping in till 10:30, we had "Gage Breakfast." It was basically just potatoes, pork sausage,  onions, and scrambled eggs all put together. It originated from Gage's birthday breakfast, when he asked his mom if she could cut up all that stuff and saute it together. It was VERY good. Then we also had fresh canned peaches, bananas, toast, and yogurt. We were all going to play frisbee football with the boys, but before we could get out there, they quit, and jumped in the pool. So instead, me and Ky asked if we could go explorin' around the property while the boys swam. 

          "Walking toward the back of the luscious meadow, we got a glimpse of the beautiful New York countryside. Crossing the 'hedge-row' we happened upon another verdant field with a small pond and a most picturesque tree. Continuing on up the country road, we arrived at the crest of one of the many rolling hills. On the right was a small old-style farmhouse which belonged to Rich's parents. Turning, a breathtaking view unfolded before us.."

After walking back down the hill we set up the camera on self-timer. We got quite a few interesting pictures...

We noticed some cat tails on the edge of the pond and decided that they were worthy of a picture or two.

When we got back to the house the boys were riding the 4-wheelers and the ladies were harvesting fresh vegetables from the garden. The produce Tammi gets from her garden is amazing and so beautiful!

After getting all the vegetables picked and put away, we began to make a late lunch of homemade pizza. Next we headed outside to see what the guys were doing, and found them sprawled all over the yard. Then the boys hopped back on the 4-wheelers and took off again.

Soon Jeff noticed the small, grey chicken house over by the barn and decided that he needed to take a peek...

When the boys got back we had lunch and Jeff and Rich put in the screens so we could leave the windows open (since the high today was 75!)

After lunch we played frisbee football and hung out outside until the Perish's came over for some fellowship around a campfire.

Gage took me on a ride!
 The view from the kitchen window


I made a shish-kabob out of things I found in the garden... (plus pepperoni)

The home-grown kabob cooking...

We will post more of all the family pictures later, but we are almost being pulled out the door! We had an amazing time here and cant wait to come back!!!! We've been talking about maybe having a camp!!! But that is just us scheming!! 


  1. What an awesome day! Thanks for the post. I wish I had been there! I loved all the pics. Thanks for taking the time to post today. It is fun to share your special memories with you! Take care...

  2. The pictures look amazing...we would love to go to a camp up in NY sometime. I'm enjoying your posts everyday. It's fun to see where you all are at in your travels. BTW, we will be leaving after meeting for Red River for a few days, so we'll get to enjoy some cool weather as well, can't wait!!!

    1. OOOH!! Red River sounds really fun! If there's ever a camp in NY, we would definitely meet you up there!

  3. sounds like an awesome day!!! SOOOOO glad you all could go visit them! love hearing all the adventures and seeing all the pics!

    1. Thanks!! It's really fun to be able to share all our travels with everyone:D See yo u in a few days!!

  4. What an amazing place to live. Looks like so much fun. Still fighting that jealousy thing. Thanks for all the pictures.

  5. We were so glad you all were here. We had a great time and were sad to see you go. All are welcome here we would love to have more brothers and sisters in Christ visit or move. Just kidding kind of. :):) Fall is a beautiful time. Girls I really miss having you in the kitchen with me that was fun. Something new for me. :) Let us know when you can come back together or seperate.

    1. We were so happy that we had the opportunity to come! We had so much fun, and were so encouraged by you all. Tammi, I love learning things from you, and would love to be able to come back! I REALLY REALLY hope to be able to come sometime again!!(wendy)

      Oh My Goodness!!! I am SO excited to hear from y'all! I had such a good time at your house and i can't wait to come back!(if I can) We really did have a good time helping you in the kitchen! I hope y'all are able to go to Sept. camp in Virginia. :) I will always remember that trip to see y'all because it was SO uplifting and fun! Love y'all and hope to see you soon!!! (Kylie)
