Saturday, August 25, 2012


After a very long night at Caleb & Amy's, we slept in till almost noon. Lucy had to leave soon after we got up to go to work. We wanted to go to Bell Island and since Friday was pretty much our last chance, we decided on the spot that we would go. We finished getting ready real fast and walked all the way from Amy's house to the ferry. For only $2 we could walk on and ride the ferry the 20 minutes to Bell Island.

It was really fun!

We didn't get to spend much time at Bell Island because we were in a time crunch, but we did have time to go to the beach and stack rocks.

Jeff picked up some fish and chips for us while we were on the beach and we ate while we rushed back to the ferry.

As soon as we got back to Portugal Cove we walked back up the hill to Amy's house and packed up all our stuff. Amy took us back over to Boss and Mary's where we packed up again because we were spending the night at David and Becca's next. When we finished, Sonya picked us up and took us to go pick up Lucy from work. It was her birthday so we decided that we should sing for her at her work. We just couldn't pass up another opportunity to dress up...

 Our great photographer

Lucy wanted to go to Costco for her birthday dinner...

After dinner we went to the sing at Caleb and Amy's.   There were so many people that we couldn't all fit in the living room.

After singing, we played Taboo in the basement...

When the sing was over we went to David and Becca's where we stayed up until 2 talking...


  1. How fun to surprise Lucy! It looks like all you girls had a blast!!!

  2. I love reading ya'lls blog and it looks like such an awesome time.
    I can't wait to see you both :)
