Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today we spent the day with Amy. We went with her to her chiropractic appointment where Adalyn decided that she would cry the whole time.

Afterwards we went to Walmart, Old Navy, Avalon mall, and Sportcheck to look for a Newfoundland t-shirt.
 They have a special baby parking at most stores!

 We had lunch at the mall..

We did stop by Starbucks again :) Around 3 we headed back to Amy's house to pick blueberries and make a picnic dinner.
 The view from their back yard... It was kind of foggy so you couldn't see as much...

When Margaret got off work at the animal hospital, we picked her up and all went out to Cape Spear to eat dinner.

 This cat was NOT happy with me...
 This cat was very fat...

It was really good!
Cape Spear is the most easterly point in North America.

 These pictures don't even begin to show how pretty it really was.

There was a World War II bunker out there too.

Lastly we hiked up to the lighthouses.
 This one is the lighthouse in operation now.
 This was the old one. The light on top is actually from Scotland.

We saw this Asian guy having his picture taken :)

Adalyn decided that she would cry (or scream) every time the truck stopped, all the way back from Cape Spear...
Back at home we had some popcorn and Lloyd and Linda came over to look at a chair Terri picked up for them today. 
 Patrick was quite the little entertainer...


  1. Beautiful pics, girls! I especially like the one of the new lighthouse with the fence.(Nice foot, Patrick! heh, heh) Ky & Wen, I hope your Wednesday was as lovely as your Tuesday was. Loved seeing Caleb and Amy's little family! The baby is SO cute!


    1. I am SURE the previous comment contained some grammatical errors......
      ........Rachel........Are you out there? ;)

  2. I'm jealous that you got to spend the day with Amy and hold Adalyn!

  3. Seeing your pictures brings back so many memories. I should have showed you my pics from my 2 Newfie trips will you were here. I got a lot of the same Cape Spear ones. You guys (or should I say gals) are making some awesome memories! It's been 18 & 21 years since I was last there and I still remember so many fun times. I've enjoyed reliving those days through your trip. Keep up the posts!

  4. BTW, those blueberries look so yummy! Now *I* am getting jealous!

  5. I am so jealous of you two! Tell Amy and well everyone else I said hi!!!

  6. I am so jealous of you two! Tell Amy and well everyone else I said hi!!!
