Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October Camp!

All of us rode with Jody and Linda up to camp on Thursday afternoon. Back row: Linda, Jody, Victoria  Middle row: Naomi, Jean, Me  Front row: Caitlin, Susie, Margarita, Hannah   Not pictured: Stephanie and Jennifer

We got there Thursday night around 8 and sang, played games, and talked until they turned the lights out. 

Friday morning

Friday morning, instead of a regular meeting we all gathered in the dining hall (it was too cold to sit outside) and we had an informal kind of meeting. We read Philippians 3 and 4. Different guys volunteered and read five verses at a time. At the end of each chapter anyone could make a comment or ask questions which lead to a group discussion. It was very interesting and fun, as well a different than normal.

For pretty much the rest of the day we played volley ball or cards. Some went on the hike up to the caves. 

Elizabeth and Meg
Wendy and me

It was pretty cold, for us southerners :)

Adaline :)

Friday night Franco Cook spoke about our works. Not works like some people believe good works will get you to heaven, but the good works Christians should be doing. Ephesians 2:8-10 It was a more normal meeting but Franco likes to have us talk to our neighbor and discuss certain questions, so in the sense of interaction, it was a little different. Having us talk like that and hearing others answers and ideas helped a lot. He also had all the young guys and the girls read verses out loud. After meeting we had snacks, of course, and played more cards and talked.

Saturday morning we had the same style of meeting as the previous morning. We went over Colossians 3 and 4. Michael Lundy kind of lead it and he asked us to be thinking of these questions while we read: 1. What do I learn about God? 2. What do I learn about my responsibility toward others? 3. What is one thought I can take away from this? It was a really interesting meeting too.

Food servers for Saturday lunch: Daniel, Zach, Logan, Samuel, and David
Trying to get rid of cookies
During the day we played more volleyball (some pretty intense games) and frisby football and took more hikes. It was so nice to be outside all day! 
Daniel and Ross
Steph, me, Elizabeth, Caitlin, Jean, and Susie
Our kind team captain bough us all packs of M&M's
Jennifer, Susie, Jean, and Stephanie

Jeff spoke Saturday night about wisdom and king Solomon. 


Sunday morning Gary Roy spoke about the power to resist Satan. 

Kate, Jessica, Alanna, and Gaylyn Frogge
We signed a rock for Lindsey King. She couldn't be there this time...
Rob and Adaline 

That day we played a Married vs. Singles volleyball game. Both teams were huge but the Singles side was bigger. The front row was the smallest row with eight people on it...

The grandstands
Hannah, Callie, and Carolyn
Cheyenne and me
Hank and Hannah

We played the annual "last-day-of-camp" frisby football game then everyone started leaving.

A few of us stayed until Monday. Total there were about 30 people. After dinner, around 8:00, we started singing around the piano and we didn't stop till 10:30!

After singing, we went on a walk.
Monday morning we had another bible study over 1 Peter 4 and 5.
One last game of volleyball...
Calder and Nittie
After cleaning up we packed the motor home and headed out. 
All of us who rode home with Jody and Linda

Stopping at Starbucks on the way home is a tradition...

It seems like the camps just keep getting better! This camp was amazing!

Next up: Eric and Aubrey's wedding this weekend


  1. Thanks Kylie, so good to see everyone and hear of the encouraging time you all had at camp.
    As always, I look forward to your posts on your blog.
    Love, Terri

  2. We enjoyed this post, it looks like such a fun camp...maybe one of these years we'll get to go!!!

    1. It WAS so much fun!!! You really should go sometime!

  3. Oh my goodness, that was the best camp EVER!! Loved the whole time, and the meetings were really neat! Thanks for the post!

  4. Thanks for sharing girls! We love hearing all about it! Can't wait to see you all soon!

  5. Thanks girls! You got some great action shots. It was fun being there.

  6. That is my favorite camp...It was small this year, but maybe we can double the attendance next year! Everybody come, you will love it!!


  7. I know I'm behind the times here but I would like to grudgingly say that I love this camp. I hope you are happy that you have upset me! ;) seriously, thanks for sharing and I've enjoyed all do far!
