We had Girl's camp at Lake Mineral Wells state park this year. I rode with Jeff and Lorrie to the park on Thursday afternoon. James and Lori were the only other people there. After setting up camp and everything we had dinner and sat around the fire. 
Around ten o'clock we went out for a canoe ride. It felt really weird canoeing in the dark.
Jeff made eggs over the fire Friday morning...
The camp site was right on the lake. There was this neat little spot to sit where the rocks stuck out right on the edge of the water.
It was also a nice place to watch people canoeing and playing in the water.
Steve and Betty got there right after lunch.
Making chili for dinner
Saturday morning...
After breakfast most of us went on a bike ride
On the way to the "star gazing party"...
Sunday morning...
After a short meeting I went with Jill and Julie on a short hike on the other side of the lake...
On the way home we stopped at this malt shop...
I got some delicious banana-nut ice cream
Like every year, girl's camp was a blast but exhausting!
Next up: Chili cook-off on November 3rd!