Camp started out with Russell Ross speaking at meeting Friday night. We were a little late so we didn't get to hear most of the message....
Matthew and Michael
We had snacks after meeting then some of us girls played a few games of Chinese ping-pong while some of the guys played volleyball.
Me and Carolyn
Jeff gave the message Saturday morning. His main point was "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!" Psalm 107:2 He also went over his highlights and blessings from our Newfoundland trip.
Eating lunch...
Patrick and Isaac helping clean up
Natalie and Liam (Jeremy & Sidney's baby)
I did everything I could to get this picture to rotate but it just wouldn't work...
Adaline Carneal (Rob and Chelsea's baby)
Wendy, Tiffany, Meg, Hannah, Cara, Briana, Kate, Julie, Jessica, and I playing spoons on the stage.
(Hank) Shelby and Jessica
(Hank) Shelby and Jessica
Making Saturday dinner: Orange chicken, egg rolls, and fried rice. YUM!
Making the egg rolls
Terrell and Reid in line for coffees
Marcail and Elyse (way too young for coffee!!!)
Kyle and Hannah
The Coffee Bar
Cara, Jessica, and Kate
One of the many volleyball games at camp...
Wendy, Victoria, Elissa, and Nittie
Dinner servers....
Jason Roy cooking breakfast...
There was so much food for breakfast!
Belgian waffles, crepes, eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, pineapple, honey dew melon, and cereal.
Hannah, Rebecca, and Julie
Hannah, Valerie, and Julie
Uncle Weyman spoke Sunday morning. He asked us all to imagine actually being at six events in the Bible and at each event he asked "what are you thinking?" and "what is important?" Imagining being there made it more real and it gave a very different perspective on each event.
Around three o'clock we had the annual girl's basketball game.
Young people enjoying the last night of camp!
Hannah, Shelby, Susie, and Carolyn
Bryan Roy gave some things Sunday night about realizing now how weak we are before the really difficult days come, and allowing God's strength to fully sustain us. Ky wasn't at meeting because her and her Mom went to see aunt Dorothy in the hospital. (We are glad that she is doing better now!)